Terms of use

Institute for Computer Music and Sound Technology / (ICST) Zurich University of the Arts

Regulations for the use of the ICST composition studio:

  • Do not eat or drink in the studio.
  • do not set up your own user accounts on the composition computer
  • no installation of own software & plugins (if needed, please contact support)
  • Do not move the 18-Ambisonics speakers as they have been precisely calibrated.
  • Please dismantle all modifications
  • No stock
  • Put instruments/music stands/special equipment away again.
  • Reset the audio matrix routing to 'standard.'
  • Set 'Ghielmetti' back to 'Standard'.
  • Turn off all equipment when leaving the studio.


  • The user data on the composition computer will be deleted.
  • Each user is responsible for the security of their own data. (Save to your own HD)
  • Please leave the studio in default settings when leaving!


  • For night sessions, please note that the Studio components will automatically shut down at 03:00.
  • At 03:00, a warning appears on the 'Extron TouchPanel,' and with the confirmation to cancel, this process can be stopped.

These regulations are valid for the duration of the studio booking. For projects and AiR guests, the agreed regulations are valid.
The next studio user will thank them.

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