Hans Tutschku

Institute for Computer Music and Sound Technology / (ICST) Zurich University of the Arts

Hans Tutschku works as a guest composer 'ICST Artist in Residency' in the ICST composition studio.
He continues his work from the 'ICST Artist in Residency' of 2020.
During the Covid19 pandemic, Hans Tutschku has been working intensively with machine learning in sound analysis and processing. In his latest work he uses these great tools in addition to his own instruments, scripts and patches in MaxMsp:
  • dada / bach by Daniele Ghisi
  • A.Harker Tools
  • Fluid Corpus Manipulation
  • ICST Ambisonics tools
  • ICST Ambisonics plugins

The new work of H.Tutschku will be available in a multichannel version.
see also here: https://www.zhdk.ch/forschung/icst/kreation-artist-in-residence-1031

It worked yesterday....
Hans Tutschku explains his work and its workflow to Christian Schweizer and me.
Afterwards creative exchange and discussion.
The 'Cockpit' for creating and editing the flying sounds....
Hans Tutschku has finished his 5 part work 'Remembering Japan'.
Notes from H.Tutschku about his work can be found here

<<ICST Artist in Residency