Cathy Lane

Institute for Computer Music and Sound Technology / (ICST) Zurich University of the Arts

Cathy Lane experimented with the latest ICST Ambisonics plugins, during her ICST Artist in Residency time, from 19-07-2021 - 08-08-2021 for her latest work 'The River Goes On'. She will be working on the sound localization /Ambisonics of her final version at the ICST composition studio from 17-3-2022. 'The River Goes On' uses field recordings made in Tigray, Northern Ethiopia in 1986 and 2017 will be performed at the Archipel 2022 festival on 4/2/2022.

Yesterday it was stereo, today it's immersive
Cats Lane brought a finished Logic X session with 17 stereo tracks to the studio. We transferred the stereo tracks to Reaper. Using the ICST Ambisonics plugins, the stereo files were placed in Ambisonics and then saved as Bformat 3.order.

Cathy Lane info:

<<ICST Artist in Residency