#04 ascolta Akusmatische Hörstunde: Glocken

Institute for Computer Music and Sound Technology / (ICST) Zurich University of the Arts

'Ringing in' with the church bells of the Diessenhofen/TG Reformed Church.

It is mentioned for the first time in the document of 27.03.757.
Its main patron is St. Dionysius (1517 "Churches Sant Dionysius).
The five bells were cast in 1883 by the bell foundry Keller in Zurich.
and produce a pure B major chord.

Werner Geissberger 'Veni creator spiritus - Cantique de l'espérance'. (2007)

Duration: 21'

Paul Hindemith's Cantique de l'espérance 1953
  • Text: P. Claudel - performed at the Bachfest 1994.
  • reworked by Werner Geissberger in 2007 for the farewell concert in Zurich-Wollishofen
  • Remodeled again in 2014 into a combination of both versions: The vocal recordings from 1994 & 2007 are combined with the original electronic parts from 2007.
  • I owe the frequency-modulated composition work to the two-year Csound course with my friend and teacher, Prof. Gerald Bennett.

Jean-Claude Risset (1938 -2016) 'Resonant Sound Spaces' (2001-2002)

Duration: 15 minutes
Publisher: composer's edition
Commission: City of Basel

Program note
Spaces (Resonant Spaces) is a "mise en espace" of Resonant Soundscapes commissioned by the city of Basel in 2001 and dedicated to Gerald Bennett. The 8-track spatialized version was produced at the Groupe de Musique Expérimentale de Marseille (GMEM) using Laurent Pottier's Holophone spatialization system.

Jonathan Harvey (1939-2012) 'Mortuos plango, vivos voco' (1980)

Program note
This work reflects my experiences at Winchester Cathedral, where my son Dominique was Chorister from 1975 to 1980.
It is based on his voice and that of the great tenor bell.
This huge black bell with superhuman strength bears the inscription:
" Horas avolantes number mortuos plango: vivos ad pres voco ".

I ring out the last Acoustic Listening Hour this year with the church bells of the Reformed Church Diessenhofen/TG.
The next Acoustic Listening Hour will take place next year.
I wish you peace and tranquility over the holidays and all the best for the new year, 2023!

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